Generally, the amount of time that it takes to go to final settlement after the first demand letter has been sent in your personal injury case can range from several weeks to a few months or longer. However, in those cases involving smaller or more straightforward liability in which the injuries are nominal, the process can usually be completed in a month or two. Every case is different, though, and a well-informed Torrance personal injury attorney will be able to further advise you with regard to his or her opinion on the amount of time it will probably take to settle your case.
Time tables can vary because there are a great number of factors that can affect response times and the insurance claims adjuster’s final offer, including things such as the number of files that the adjuster is managing; whether or not there is clear liability on the part of the insurance company’s client; the internal claims process of the insurance company; and even the overall state of the economy with respect to the insurance claims process.
Another thing to take into consideration when trying to determine a possible settlement timeframe is how well the claim has been documented from the time of its initial preparation. If poor record keeping exists, that will undoubtedly delay your settlement. Furthermore, if you were comparatively negligent, or if there are other parties who may be responsible for your injuries, dealing with those issues can seriously affect the timeliness of settlement.
If you need the services of a skilled Torrance personal injury attorney, please contact DA&D Law Offices at (800) 257-6666 for a free consultation.